Monday, January 30, 2006


There's a new razor coming out. This might not be big news to most, but I keep an ear to the men's facial hair industry, having a vested interest myself. We've been through the Sensor, Sensor Excel, The Mach 3, the Mach 3 Power, and now....Fusion. (I'm not counting all the razors that were pretty much the same only a different color, ex: The Mach 3 Turbo which is silver)

We've also seen the Schick Quatro. If you're in Spanish class like me you could probably guess from the context clues that this razor has 4 blades, to one-up the Gillette Mach 3. This prompted a SNL parody-commercial with a razor with 16 blades, pretty hilarious. Unless i'm mistaken sure it's on the Best of Will Ferril vol. 1 DVD.

Anyways, I saw the commercials for the Gillette Fusion. I'll admit, I was intruiged. So I went to the website and checked it out. FIVE BLADES. FOR THE LOVE OF BLOOD CLOTTING FIVE BLADES!

Folks, it's simply gotten out of hand. According to many federal regulations, this new razor could be considered a weapon. The way I see it, it's just two more blades to pierce my sensative skin.

So Gillette, I applaud your innovative spirit but it's getting ridiculous.

I know there's at least 3 other dudes who will probably read this that have maintain facial hair. Your thoughts?

Here's the site if you'd like to peep out the fusion for yourself.

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